Monday, 27 April 2009


In what ways does your Media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My music magazine uses a range of conventions used by many other real/corporate music magazines. The most obvious form of this would be the layout as the layout I chose to use is generic of most magazines, I carefully studied the layout of magazines such as NME and Kerrang! and was inspired by them for my magazine, using particular fonts and framing the main photo with writing. Also using conventional written language and features such as a masthead, date, strapline, price etc. Veering away from conventions, I chose to leave out the barcode from the front cover as I felt it cluttered the space, this would go on the back page as opposed to next to the date/issue no./price. The photograph challenges dated conventions of photographs of musicians with instruments and fits with those of today's more modern photographs, although the photo I have chosen to use for my front cover is compariable to that of Blondie in 1977 with a cigarette, which is iconic of "rock and roll" that can be found in the "Photo Development" post.

How does your Media product represent particular social groups?
My music magazine definitely represents particular social groups through the images used. I feel these images convey young people aged 16-25 whom are ovbiously into music as that is what the magazine is promoting, but slightly left-wing and cutting edge, possibly students. This is shown through the people in my images and their demeanour, such as my front cover photograph of Jess, this was not a posed photograph but the cigarette, piercing and posture are all examples of this, also the relaxed, informal language shows this. The group that it is representing is also image wary, concious of clothes, hair, make-up etc. This is portrayed again, through the images as they are all aiming to be attractive and "now", this is because is this day and age events have never been more documented (through photography/filming etc) and published (on facebook/myspace/blogs etc), this may sound shallow but youth of today are more concious of thier apparence now more than ever.

What kind of Media institution might distribute your media product and why?
I would like to think that my magazine could be a subsidurary music magazine of Vice Magazine.Vice is a free magazine and media conglomerate founded in Montreal, Quebec and currently based in New York City. The magazine covers contemporary indie and youth culture. The magazine's readership comprises young postcollegiate bobos, often labelled "hipsters". Vice is known for its controversial content, and often strikes a sardonic and ironic pose on debauchery, sex, drugs, violence, crime, and social issues involving race and economic class. These ideologys fit with my magazine, and rebel against corporate, manufactured products.

Who would be the audience for your Media product?
The audience for my magazine would be who it's aiming to represent, young adults around the age of 16-25 interested and involved in underground sunbculture to do with up and coming music.

How did you attract/address your audience?
I have tried to attract my target audience with the appareance and content of my magazine, using interesting colours and a range of fonts appealing to the required age group. The different range of fonts represents the different types of music and people that are involved with such music and todays music scene, making my magazine versitile, hopefully catering for most tastes. The language used is also a device used to draw in a specific audience, although there is a minimalistic feel to the writing I feel that this also would draw in the audience, making them ant to know more about what's inside.

Looking back at the preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I feel that I have learnt the importance of structure and planning entailed in designing a magazine, and that editing plays a huge role in a successful design. I have thoroughly enjoyed experimenting with different photographs and finding out what works for the genre of magazine and target audience and hopefully my work shall improve in the future as I experiment more with these aspects.

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