Friday, 28 November 2008

My final magazine is presented in the previous post. I produced this by using a photograph of my friend,that was not taken intentionally for the magazine, but i felt it served the purpose reasonably well and photoshopped it then used photoshop to do the lettering etc.

I used quite a simple layout, the picture in the middle and the writing framing it,in the fashion of Vogue, Glamour etc, and the writing in colours that co-ordinate with the photo; aqua/blue/tuquoise from the cyan tones in the photo and pinks/red from the (edited) lip colour, which is also a convention of magazines. This colour scheme fits perfectly with the aget audience, as the magazine is aimed at students, male and female, that attend wyke college. The font i chose to use was arial, this is because it is a simple font with no fuss and seems to be popular at the moment with merchandise aimed at young people.

I dont feel the magazine represents any social group within students in particular, but students that want to be successful as the strap line is "reach to achieve". The picture suggests a playfulness to lighten the subject of college.

I got some idea's for the writing advertising the articles inside the magazine from current issues in Wyke college that were posted up on the colege intranet, others were general interests of my own.

I should imagine that the institution that would fund/disperse this magazine would be Wyke college, as it is mainly beneficial for the college.

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